Here you can get acquainted with some projects I accomplished during my Full-Stack Web Development course
Project #1
The "Pokédex" JS App
The "Pokédex" is a small web application with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript that loads data from an external API and enables the viewing of data points in detail. The app displays a list of Pokemon, clicking on which opens a window with some detailed information about them, as well as an image of a pokemon.
Technologies and techniques used:
- JavaScript
- Using Ajax to fetch data asynchronously from an external API (Pokémon API)
- Bootstrap (CSS Framework)
- jQuery
Go to the App website
See the project on GitHub
Project #2
API for the "myFlix" movie app
This API (Application Programming Interface) is the server-side component of the myFlix web application, which serves as the backend for managing and providing access to information about different movies, directors, and genres. Users can create profiles, save their favorite movies, and more. The actual storage of data is managed by a database, and this component handles the retrieval and processing of that data.
Technologies and techniques used:
- Node.js and Express
- MongoDB and Mongoose
- REST Architecture
- Middleware Modules (body-parser, morgan)
- User Authentication and Authorization
- Data Validation Logic
- Postman
See the project on GitHub
Project #3
The "myFlix" React App
This client-side application is crafted to complement the server-side code (REST API and database) developed in the previous movie API project, thereby forming the integral components of the myFlix web application. Representing the seamless integration of server-side functionality with a dynamic and responsive client-side interface, this project showcases the mastery of full-stack JavaScript technologies within the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js). Users can explore movie details, create profiles, and curate their favorite film collection.
Technologies and techniques used:
- React
- React Router
- React Bootstrap
- Parcel
- React Redux
Go to the App website
See the project on GitHub
Go to the Case Study
Project #4
The "Meet App"
Meet App is a serverless, progressive web application (PWA) built with React, following a test-driven development (TDD) approach. The app utilizes the Google Calendar API to fetch upcoming events and offers various features for users to explore and manage events.
Technologies and techniques used:
- React
- AWS Lambda (serverless computing service)
- Google Calendar API, OAuth2
- Create-React-App (or “CRA”)
- Test-Driven Development (TDD), Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) (Gherkin syntax, Cucumber's Jest-integrated version "jest-cucumber")
- Unit Testing, Integration Testing, End-to-End Testing (using Puppeteer)
- Data Visualization (Recharts)
Go to the App website
See the project on GitHub
Project #5
The "Bona Chat" Mobile App
A mobile chat application built with React Native and Expo, offering real-time chat, image sharing, and location sharing features. This app provides an accessible chat interface for users to communicate with friends and family.
Technologies and techniques used:
- React Native
- Expo
- Google Firebase, Cloud Firestore
- React Native's AsyncStorage
- Gifted Chat Library
See the project on GitHub
Project #6
The "myFlix" Angular App
The myFlix Angular App is a single-page, responsive movie application built using Angular. It serves as the client-side interface for the myFlix movie app, interacting with the existing server-side code and database through REST API endpoints.
Technologies and techniques used:
- Angular
- TypeScript
- Angular Material
- REST API Integration (using Angular HttpClient)
Go to the App website
See the project on GitHub